Monday, October 29, 2007

New Camera Experiments . . .I'll get there in the end . . .

Monday, October 22, 2007

Doing a skippy dance and choosing not to dwell on the obvious

We'll be in the wilds of northwest Florida for a month from December 7th. Come on down - should be easy to find - we'll be the English people on the beach!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

two things.

i kicked through the leaves yesterday. bright yellow and gold ones. walked along, scuffing my feet, sending them flying crunchily in front of me. I've never done that before. I would shudder when other kids would do it in the school playground, picking my way carefully across. I was always afraid of what might lurk beneath. scared of the unseen.

last night there was a huge round of shouting and banging from next door. "How DARE you say that??!!" he kept repeating. then silence.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I love my pets but

I just glanced down and saw a flea on my shirt.

I’m sitting at my desk. In London. Over 100 miles from the dog, cats, fish or guinea pig.

I haven’t been anywhere near my pets (or anyone else’s) since yesterday morning.

I don’t know what to do. If I was at home I’d pinch it between thumb and finger and plunged it into a glass of water, since I can never squish them between thumbnails like S can.

I tried to pluck it surreptitiously from my left breast, but it scarpered. I couldn’t even jump up and start searching for it since I have a young intern chap sitting exactly to my right, and an account exec sitting opposite me this afternoon for some mentoring.

I’m surrounded.

They both think I’m typing something very grown up and important.

I have Fleas! This flea (and his friends, presumably) came all the way to London, to work yesterday, stayed at Maj’s house last night and came to work again today.


Thursday, October 04, 2007

This . .
And this . . .

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Crayzee meds II

Heard of naked blogging? How about delayed pyjama blogging? Which is blogging exactly what you scribbled on a pad in a hotel room the night before.

Under the influence

I got the shakes
I got the shakes

Too much xyprexa
Too much xyprexa

Making me dull
And fat
And sexless

Undoing the prozac
Reigning the excess
Too far in
Back around on itself
Cancelling out
Me less
Is more.

Under the covers

I read the only victims
who survived
Benefited, even
Were the schizophrenics.

Unlike the also rans
Found quiet comfort.
Absence of input
Meaning presence of self,
Not the reverse,
As suffered
By normal people.

At the Easyhotel
Hemmed in
hum of the aircon
Six square metres
Of self.

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