Monday, August 27, 2007

zero gravity.

amsterdam was awesome. i'll show you some pictures some time. can't believe it's a 45 minute flight away but i've never been there before.

it's weeks since i posted here. the first couple of weeks after i started the prozac i had snatches of energy like i don't recall ever having before. Some mornings i didn't wake up feeling more tired then when I went to bed. i woke early. i woke early and was able to speak. this freaked S out because in all the years we've been waking up in the same bed he's never had a conversation with me before i've had at least one cup of i don't even drink coffee. or tea.

I've only had a couple of anxiety attacks. and when they happened i felt as if i was observing a curiosity. "oh look, I'm having a panic attack. how interesting."

there was an enormous spider on the bedroom ceiling. about 4 inches across. instead of going to sleep in the spare room I caught it with a glass and piece of card and flushed it down the toilet.

i haven't written a word for work. not one. i've missed a pile of deadlines. i've covered it up. bluffed.

truth will out.

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